With my library you can easy control global page layout. Flexbox properties give huge stability and easy for understanding. Just see examples, read documentation and begin to use.
This library includes many selectors that allow you to easily and flexibly control page layout.
Selector | Description |
.flex-row-* | Grid row. * - grid size (5, 12, 20, 24, 60) |
.flex-col | Grid column. Contains general styles for all sizes |
.xs-* | Selector for size in area 0px - 599px |
.sm-* | Selector for size in area 600px - 899px |
.md-* | Selector for size in area 900px - 1199px |
.lg-* | Selector for size in area 1200px - 1509px |
.xlg-* | Selector for size in area 1510px+ |
.offset-xs-* | Left side offsets for [xs] devices |
.offset-sm-* | Left side offsets for [sm] devices |
.offset-md-* | Left side offsets for [md] devices |
.offset-lg-* | Left side offsets for [lg] devices |
.offset-xlg-* | Left side offsets for [xlg] devices |
.hidden-* (xs, sm, md, lg, xlg) | Hide elements in certain states |
.visible-* (xs, sm, md, lg, xlg) | Show elements in certain states (after hide) |